Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Small Update for now..

Its Wednesday afternoon, i did not go to the hospital last night but as far as i know, Andrew was given some Propofol for twitching and i think he was given Pentobarb, Versed and Depakote boosters not hooked to IV. And that has seemed to help. Andrew does have a high fever and there is infection somewhere, as far as i know nothing has changed with the fever or infection, im not sure if they know where its coming from or not. I was unable to go last night or tonight because my baby has a fever so i had to skip part of work today, hopefully everything will be good and i will be able to go to the hospital tomorrow night.
Anyways, some GOOD NEWS!!! Andrew's muscle biopsy came back he tested negative for MELAS!! Now his neurologist thinks he has Wilson's disease possibly.. who knows. It sounds like the doctors are all guessing and putting him through the ringer until he tests positive for something. Wilson's disease sounds nothing like what is going on with Andrew if you ask me, but who knows, im not a doctor! I will post some info on the blog about Wilson's Disease when i get a chance. It sounds like if it is caught early enough before organ damage is done this disease is treatable. Who knows how long he has had this, if it is this and who knows how bad it is. Im not sure what the doctors next step is, i am going to try to talk to my parents tonight and gets some updates and see how things went today and if the doctors have said what the plan is...
For right now, Andrew is still in Coma (the doctors said they would be worried if Andrew had not woken up by today but i think that has changed since they have given him more of the coma meds, not sure yet though). He is still on feeding tube and ventilator..

Continue to keep praying, Andrew is strong, he will get through this.

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